Paris is mourning

Paris 14 November, 2015 Paris is in mourning today.  When I boarded the train in my Paris suburbs hometown, I was shocked to find not a single soul in my wagon.  I have never seen this.  The train is usually full, even packed with people.  Where was everyone?  ...

Are you Clear?

I was talking with a potential client the other day and we were discussing her current business and where things were at and where she wanted to go.  The one thing that became very clear in speaking with her is that she could describe fairly clearly where she was at...

When was the last time you tested your limits?

If you are like most people, you live in a bubble of comfort and go through life from one day to the next with more or less only the occasional hiccup or blip on your comfort scale .  Let me ask you though, is that comfortable state helping you to grow, helping you to...

It’s the size that matters…or is it?

It’s the size that matters…or is it? I have recently had the pleasure to host and to participate in a number of telesummits.  These fabulous opportunities to connect and partner with business owners who have complementary offerings are a win, win, win...

Do it – Now!

Do it – Now ! I got a slap in the face from the Universe yesterday.  Yes, I know that may sound strong and not so positive but it was well deserved.  You see, I have been sitting on a book that is 80% done for almost two and a half years now.  I had talked out ideas...