Finding the courage

“Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor – the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant “To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.” -Brené Brown Do you have the courage to...

Why I believe Love is THE Answer

Yes, the Beatles got it right when they sang “All we need is love”.  It feels as if we are in a time of turmoil in many parts of the world and yet there is so much goodness out there.  I am astonished at how often I meet amazing, full-hearted people who want to make...

What to do when things aren’t going as planned

Today’s post is a spontaneous idea of just getting online and typing something I am thinking about.  I am going to try this every once in a while to see if the idea resonates with you and if my writing is bearable when I just put it out there rather than...

What Marianne Williamson taught me

Last night I had the great privilege of hearing Marianne Williamson speak here in Paris.  She generously gave her talk free of charge as her gift to the people of France to help with the myriad of emotions we are all still feeling after the attacks on the 13th of...

Why it is time to step it up

Why it is time to step it up The recent news has been filled with terrorist attacks in multiple places throughout the world.  Though we try hard to hold on to the thought that things are getting better, that we are evolving and that the human race is intrinsically...